Statistics 2500/2550 Final Exam Review Package

This 55 page Final Exam preparation guide includes examples dealing with the following topics:

  1. Data Sets
  2. Chebyshev’s Rule and The Empirical Rule
  3. Probability
  4. Binomial Distribution
  5. Hypergeometric Distribution
  6. Poisson Distribution
  7. Uniform Distribution
  8. Exponential Distribution
  9. The Normal Distribution and Sampling Distributions
  10. Normal Approximation of the Binomial
  11. One-Sample Confidence Intervals and Sample Size Determination
  12. One-Sample Hypothesis Tests
  13. Two-Sample Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Tests, and Sample Size Determination
  14. Linear Regression
  15. Chi-Square Tests

All problems come with full solutions at a cost of $35.00 + tax.

Contact us to order your copy today!